The School of Art, Design and Audiovisual Communication has created the Social and Educational Growth program which addresses social and educational problems in different areas of the provinces of Guayas and Santa Elena, specifically in the cantons of Guayaquil, Samborondón and in the commune of Pechiche in Santa Elena. A 5-year intervention is planned, starting in the 2023-2024 academic period.   

The target group includes teachers, students and parents from various educational institutions in the aforementioned areas, as well as artisans. Organizations such as Fundación Fe y Alegría and Misión Alianza are participating in the program.   

The program has six projects and focuses on areas related to digital technologies, cultural development, education and communication. It is based on the deficiency of digital and cultural tools in the territories, for the creation of experimentation spaces that allow the development of technical capabilities and soft skills in the intervention areas and groups. It aims to improve the professional and digital skills of teachers and students, as well as to develop online learning platforms. It also promotes the teaching of ancestral knowledge and biodiversity conservation. 

We already have a considerable number of teacher tutors who are participating in the following projects to date: 

  • Popular Graphics and Visual Thinking as learning allies: 3   
  • Development of practices with crafts, design and community art: 4   
  • Sustainability model with the use of schooling platforms: 3   
  • Rescue of ancestral knowledge and enhancement of the circular craft economy: 3   
  • Immersive technologies for forestry education: 4    
  • Interactions with digital games and technologies applied in education: 6   

► The number of students registered to date from ESPOL as professional practices in the area of linkage for each project are:  

  • Popular Graphics and Visual Thinking as allies of learning: 11   
  • Development of internships with handicrafts, design and community art: 14   
  • Sustainability model with the use of schooling platforms: 18   
  • Rescue of ancestral knowledge and enhancement of the circular craft economy: 4   
  • Immersive technologies for forestry education: 20   
  • Interactions with digital games and technologies applied to education: 12