FADCOM Alumni Wins Scholarship at Coding Bootcamps ESPOL


Byron León's consistency and investigative nature led him to win a scholarship at Coding Bootcamps ESPOL. During the competition, participants had to implement various programming technologies in projects that initially challenged them to create an interactive portfolio, a landing page, and a responsive news page.

For the final project, he applied everything he had learned in class, using the Materialize framework to design a website that included information about the location, activities, and events they organize. Thanks to his high scores, and once the selection process for scholarship recipients was completed, Byron León was awarded a scholarship covering 90% of the cost to obtain the Full Stack Developer certification, an intensive educational program that provides the practical skills needed to become a web developer.

During his time as a student, Byron pursued a research track, earning high grades, which motivated him to enroll in the Coding Bootcamps ESPOL competition, a program aimed at developing practical skills that benefit the web development industry. This objective is closely tied to the Full Stack Developer certification, which is geared towards digital transformation and strategic alliances with academia.
