FADCOM and UG School of Architecture and Urbanism strengthen ties for future collaborations


The Faculty of Art, Design and Audiovisual Communication (FADCOM) of ESPOL received the visit of a delegation from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Guayaquil (UG), with the aim of strengthening ties and exploring opportunities for academic and institutional cooperation. During the visit, discussions were held on future agreements to promote the exchange of experiences in key areas such as pre-professional internships and research projects. 

In its portfolio of services, FADCOM's MULTIFORMATO Creative Services Center presented its portfolio of services, highlighting its potential as a hub for the development of strategic alliances that will benefit both institutions in the strengthening of workshops and laboratories. 




The tour included a visit to the laboratories and workshops of FADCOM, where the representatives of the UG were able to learn about the capabilities and technological resources of the faculty. This approach allowed to identify opportunities for joint work that will enhance the training of students and academic collaboration between the two institutions.

On behalf of FADCOM, the visit was led by its Dean, Nayeth Solórzano, accompanied by the Deputy Dean (S) Ariana García, M.Sc., and José Javier Velástegui, director of the Center for Creative Services. Representing the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the UG, Architect Ricardo Sandoya Lara and Assistant Dean Ivonne Rendón Jaluff, M.Sc., led the visiting delegation. This initiative reinforces FADCOM's commitment to inter-institutional cooperation, promoting academic and professional development through strategic alliances. 


Exposición Exhibition FADCOM ESPOL


The exchange of knowledge and resources between both faculties will enrich the training of students and encourage the creation of innovative projects. With this type of meetings, FADCOM continues to consolidate itself as a reference in creative education, generating spaces for collaboration and innovation for the benefit of the academic community.

© Photography & Written by José Luis Castro