At the Palazzo Morando, Fashion Museum in Milan Italy, was exhibited an outfit made by the teacher Daniça Uscocovich with the fashion designer Paola Liao.
Master Daniça Uscocovich, a teacher at FADCOM, presented L'origine stellare/La carrozza di fuoco, a costume created by designer Paola Liao. The costume comprises three pieces, body, tunic and leggings and was made for the project: Leonardo prigionero del volo, which is not simply an artistic cultural event to pay homage to the genius Leonardo da Vinci on his 500th anniversary, but above all a project of “very high social impact”, given the more than 140 subjects involved, including; professional stylists, painters, designers, established and non-established tailors, and let's not forget the category of “prisoners” in Bollate prison, all in favor of the mission of the VIDAS association.
Currently, the work is on display on the official website of the project, which shows a total of 30 works, selected internationally, which are currently in the process of auction for a charitable purpose, whose sole purpose is to raise funds that will be donated in full to VIDAS and Casa Sollievo Bimbi - non-profit association, since 1982.
Previously, 14 of the garments, including the work worked by Paola Liao and Daniça Uscocovich, were exhibited inside the Bollate Institute, in Italy.
“In this piece we wanted to represent Leonardo da Vinci's contributions in synchrony with contemporary technological advances. His interest in creating flying machines breaking the schemes of the time in which his life developed”.
On the bodysuit we have placed a painting of John the Baptist in Pop style pointing to the melting NASA logo in which it can be interpreted that Leonardo da Vinci stood out as a precedent in modern engineering and science while making a nod to global warming with the melting logo.
The organza veil of the dress reveals the humanistic interests of the Renaissance, while on the translucent fabric is painted a classical landscape representing the natural world created by God which in turn is complemented by the scientific development represented in the NASA logo.
The sleeves are closely connected to the magas used in the Renaissance period and contrast with the modernity of the pants, which are inlaid with pearl details that represent the stars in the infinite space of the universe,” says Master Uscocovich.
To see the work you can visit the website:
Photo taken from the official website of the event