SHAPES: Product Design Symposium
Designing for a New Era: A Sustainable and Innovative Approach
In this 7th Edition of the event, we focus on “A Sustainable and Innovative Approach”. During the day we will explore the latest trends and methodologies that integrate sustainability into product design. The objective is to build a more responsible and creative future, approaching the topic from scientific, academic and industrial perspectives.

He is a biologist graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, specialized in applied mycology.
In 2016, he founded the Mycomaker project, where he developed standards for the cultivation of edible and medicinal mushrooms.
His research expanded to the development of construction mycomaterials, design products, insulating biomaterials and mycelium leather.
In addition, he has led research teams in this field and collaborated in art and design projects based on mycomaterials. At present, he is co-founder of Numy FlexCo, a Vienna-based company dedicated to the development of a novel Solid State Fermentation technology, which aims to contribute to a sustainable future in food production.

Cristina integrates design in a transversal and interdisciplinary way, to explore alternatives related to sustainable futures. Her applied research focuses on the design of systems and objects from raw materials from domestic and industrial waste.
For her, design research plays a fundamental role in rethinking forms of production in balance with nature and towards a circular urban metabolism.
One of her research focuses on sustainable fashion, which has led her to collaborations with various artists and exhibitions such as “Es Fantástico” at the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Quito (CAC) and group exhibitions such as “Matter of South” in Berlin; Milan Design Week (Isola) in Milan, “Biopolimérica” in Guadalajara, Valdivia and Medellín.
He has participated in conferences such as Cumulus Rome, Italy; Central Saint Martins in London, UK. She has an MA. in Interactive Design Research at Goldsmiths University of London, UK and in Research for Design and Innovation at Elisava - Escuela Universitaria de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona, Spain.
She is currently a teacher, researcher and director of the D.Lab USFQ at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. More details here

He is an Industrial Designer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, PUCE 2016. Since he was a child, he has always had a natural inclination to solve problems and invent solutions passionate about finding new alternatives to address both everyday situations and more complex challenges.
He has been dedicated to design in the optical world for more than 10 years, from the creation of frames to the development of business plans. Technology and the impact on the material world are of great interest to him and he incorporates them into his projects. He enjoys designing frames and glasses, as they are products that perfectly combine aesthetics, functionality and a sustainable approach.
The field of visual health is one of his greatest passions and one that keeps his creativity and innovation alive. In addition, he has explored various industries, such as luxury chocolate, packaging, furniture, the Christmas market and consulting, achieving success in each of the projects undertaken.
He firmly believes that the greatest virtue a designer has is the combination of meticulous planning and insatiable curiosity.

Born in Quito 41 years ago as a publicist, he has had several and diverse businesses and ventures.
Four years ago he started with a natural energizing drink made of guayusa from the Ecuadorian Amazon and packaged in plastic bottles. This led him and his team to think about a way to recycle these bottles, which is why they created RE-CICLETAS ECUADOR, taking into account that 300 million tons of plastic waste are produced annually on the planet, of which more than 8 million tons end up in the sea.
In Quito 1'700.000 plastic bottles are discarded and only 3% are recycled. This led them to think of a sustainable alternative for the society affected by environmental pollution. Thus was born RE-CICLETAS ECUADOR bicycle frames made with recycled plastic bottles of PET material, being an environmental solution while encouraging sustainable mobility using the bicycle. The RE-CICLETAS have high quality standards, environmentally friendly because they do not need welding or painting, do not rust, resist up to 150 kg. of weight and have a lifetime warranty.
Today it is committed to mobilize for a cleaner world, creating citizen awareness and connecting people to a sustainable future and a healthy way of life. More details here

Agricultural Engineer from the Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE in Ecuador, with a Master's degree in Plant Sciences from the University of Wageningen-Holland and a diploma in Public Policy from the Centro de Cooperación Regional -CREFAL in Mexico.
He has more than 15 years of experience in the agricultural sector and management of international cooperation in Latin America, through the exercise of his professional activities in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO in Ecuador and its headquarters in Italy as Technical Officer and Operations Officer; Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Ecuador as Ministerial Advisor and General Secretary of Relationship of the Productive System; Consultant of the United Nations Development Program - UNDP; Professor at the University of the Armed Forces of Ecuador - ESPE and Member of the Honorable University Council period 2017-2020.
Since 2017 he has served as Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization - INBAR, a multilateral organization specialized in the sustainable development of bamboo and rattan worldwide. He the author and co-author of several publications related to the agricultural sector.

Jacinto José Monserrate Godoy is a professional with an outstanding career that spans more than 20 years in the field of sustainability and waste management.
Currently, he occupies various leadership roles in organizations committed to the promotion of responsible environmental practices and the implementation of circular economy models in Ecuador.
He is an Agricultural Engineer with a degree in Agricultural Sciences from EARTH University in Costa Rica. Completing his education, he has obtained a master's degree in Logistics and Operations from the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral ESPOL in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
He has also completed two diplomas, one in Life Cycle Management and Circular Economy from CADIS Academy and another in Finance from Universidad Metropolitana de Honduras. He is the Executive Director of the Circular Economy Center (CEC), where three collective models are being developed: SEGINUS, RECOIL and BAPU.
These models seek the integrated management of hazardous and special waste at the national level, promoting the circular economy and complying with current environmental regulations. More than 120 organizations have aligned themselves with the principles of the circular economy under his leadership. As Director of Operations of BAPU, Sistema de Gestión Integral de Baterías de Ácido Plomo Usadas, and RECOIL, Sistema de Gestión Integral de Aceites Lubricantes y Envases Vacíos Vacíos Usados, he plays a key role in waste management and the creation of a more sustainable environment.
These collective models seek to responsibly manage lead acid batteries and used lubricating oils and their containers, contributing to the preservation of the environment. In addition, he serves as Executive Director of SEGINUS, the Ecuadorian System for the Integral Management of Used Tires. In this position, he has developed a strategic and articulating model for the proper management of tires nationwide.
This initiative involves the collaboration of 70 importers, a local producer and various transport and recycling managers, which facilitates a comprehensive approach to the management of used tires in the country. He is currently leading the team in charge of the development of the Integrated Management Plan for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste from white goods.
6th EDITION Creative Spaces

On this occasion, we gathered professionals and design enthusiasts to explore the latest trends and innovative solutions in the industry and the creation of creative spaces that seek to provide solutions to physical and digital experiences.
During the event, the Product Design career, presented a showroom with projects and products made by students, with the aim that companies and attendees can learn how the academy considers the implementation of solutions through creative disciplines.
5ª Edición Espacios y Experiencias

En esta edición, donde abarcamos el mundo del empaque, se dieron cita proveedores de materia prima, fabricantes, diseñadores, especialistas en mercadeo, emprendedores o proveedores de productos y servicios que como parte de sus procesos hacen uso de packaging personalizado, sostenible e innovador.
A través de charlas, entrevista, podcasts, talleres y webinars tomaremos ventaja de la virtualidad para crear contenido y diálogos curados, especializados y estratégicos rompiendo las barreras de la distancia.
4ª Edición Diseño de Experiencia

En esta 4ª edición, SHAPES realizó una mirada profunda al UX como núcleo de la experiencia de usuario, abordando aspectos que van desde la tecnología, diseño, usabilidad y los negocios.
El simposio presentó conferencias, talleres, showrooms, mesas de trabajo y sesiones de networking, en las que se hizo un énfasis sobre la trascendencia del Diseño de Productos en el mercado local y nacional, involucrando a importantes actores clave de la industria, diseñadores industriales y la académicos.

El packaging ha cobrado mayor protagonismo, y la necesidad de contar con empaques y envases adecuados es innegable. Es por esto que queremos dirigir nuestra mirada hacia este mundo.
SHAPES, 3ª Edición PACKING EN ECUADOR Simposio de Diseño de Productos, está dirigido a los involucrados en el mundo del empaque, y a través de charlas, entrevistas, podcasts, talleres y webinars, tomará ventaja de la virtualidad para generar contenido especializado y la temporalidad, con contenidos disponibles en una plataforma y eventos en vivo.

La 2ª Edición de SHAPES reunió a profesionales, estudiantes, profesores de otras universidades y representantes del sector privado e industrial. Los participantes se involucraron en mesas de diálogo y disfrutaron de conferencias, discursos y presentaciones sobre ideas de negocios y estudios de caso. En su discurso durante la inauguración.
Marcelo Báez, decano de FADCOM, dio la bienvenida a los asistentes al simposio, destacando el honor que significaba para su unidad académica recibirlos en este evento. Explicó que su institución ha iniciado un enfoque de diseño orientado hacia la industria, basado en las necesidades sociales, promoviendo un diseño con un enfoque de responsabilidad social.
Karla Caicedo, coordinadora de la carrera de Licenciatura en Diseño de Productos, destacó la necesidad de abandonar la visión lineal del diseño de productos, que contempla el proceso de extracción, transformación, uso y desecho de materiales. También subrayó la importancia de revalorar y utilizar de manera eficiente los recursos que actualmente se producen.

En el 2018, SHAPES contó con la presencia de varios representantes a nivel nacional de la academia, industrias de manufactura, diseñadores industriales, emprendedores y gremios industriales.
Entre ellos, Cecilia Paredes, Ph.D, rectora de la ESPOL, Caterina Costa, presidenta de la Cámara de Industrias, y gerentes de empresas líderes como Edesa, Indeltro, Novacero y Mozioni Vassari. Se analizó el rol del Diseño de Productos en los procesos industriales de una empresa, los núcleos de desarrollo industrial del Ecuador, los principales desafíos del diseño y la innovación en la industria ecuatoriana, y estrategias para alinear las necesidades de la industria con la academia.

SHAPES, Product Design Symposium, is an annual event consolidated since 2018. Its main objective is to bring together key industry leaders to foster direct dialogue and establish connections that enable collaboration with various industry sectors.
In this 7th Edition of the event, we will explore the latest trends and methodologies that integrate sustainability into product design. The goal is to foster a more responsible and creative future, approaching the topic from scientific, academic and industrial perspectives.
This symposium is a space for the strategic exchange of ideas that foster meaningful collaborations between industry and academia in pursuit of industrial development and innovation.
During the development of the event, conferences containing topics of interest to professionals are presented in order to equip them with the necessary tools to address the current demands of industries with an innovative approach.
In past editions we have had the support of institutions such as the Chamber of Industries and the Association of Young Entrepreneurs, in addition to the participation of leading companies and enterprises such as Edesa, Indeltro, Novacero and Mozioni Vassari, Owen Wilson, Danke, and Helguero 3D, who have demonstrated the potential and innovative footprint of the country through their products and experiences.