Novopan and TreeHouse Visit the Prototyping Workshop at ESPOL

Novapan Productos FADCOM ESPOL

Novopan, a company renowned for producing melamine wood boards, recently visited the Prototyping Workshop at the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). This visit was part of a pedagogical initiative in the "Materials and Manufacturing II" course, taught by Professor Francesco Magnone, M.Sc., from the Product Design program at the Faculty of Art, Design and Visual Communication.


Novapan Productos FADCOM


During the visit, students had the opportunity to interact directly with materials provided by the visiting company. Guided by Novopan experts and in collaboration with the Treehouse school, the students actively participated in the furniture assembly phase using tools such as drills and electric screwdrivers. This hands-on approach allowed them to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in their classes.

These practical workshops enhance teaching and create a strategic link between the company and academia, allowing students to acquire knowledge that will be essential in their future careers. This collaboration exemplifies how industry and academia can work hand in hand for mutual benefit and the development of key competencies in future professionals.


Novopan TreeHouse FADCOM ESPOL


© Photography and Written by José Luis Castro 