Robotkill Brought Teenagers Together with Robotics


More than 100 students from Colegio Politécnico (Copol), Unidad Educativa Pasionista, Domingo Comín, and La Providencia, as well as members of the polytechnic community, attended the fair held on January 22.



The teenagers participated in hands-on programming and information technology workshops, led by members of the robotics clubs from Universidad Católica de Guayaquil (UCSG), Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS), and ESPOL. Professors from ESPOL, UPS, and Yachay delivered keynote lectures at Robot Kill on the applications of robotics for national industry and medicine.

The main attraction of Robotkill was the University Robotics Tournament. In this competition, robots designed and programmed by the robotics clubs of ESPOL and UPS faced off in a metal ring.

© Photography and Writing: EDCOM Writing Club