“Un Elefante de Papel” is an experimental, animated and documentary short film created by FADCOM alumni Ariana Solórzano and Johanna Ortiz. The film, which lasts 10 minutes and 52 seconds, explores the deepest human emotions and reflects on happiness in the context of society's expectations and pressures.
These awards mark a milestone in the journey of this work through the festival circuit. In addition to these achievements, “Un Elefante de Papel” has had an outstanding participation in important events such as the 5th Turicine Ecuadorian Film Festival, the Pichincha Film Festival, the Nefeliterno Film Festival, and the 9th AJAYU International Animation Festival, among others.
The short film was conceived as an integrative project prior to their bachelor's degree, and reflected Ariana and Johanna's commitment to an experimental narrative charged with emotion..
The play questions how the environment shapes our ideas of happiness, inviting the viewer to rethink the limitations and expectations we face in everyday life. Ariana Solórzano, 22, is a passionate producer who defines herself as a writer and director in constant artistic search.
Johanna Ortiz, 24, combines her experience in mixed media and analog techniques with a documentary vision. Together, they form a creative duo that demonstrates how student filmmaking can connect deeply with human emotions. These awards highlight the excellence of artistic training at FADCOM.
These awards are a way for the filmmakers to pave the way for more audiovisual projects created at the school to shine in future film festivals and exhibitions at national and international forums.
© Photography: Courtesy / Written by José Luis Castro